As a luxury brand it is not always a walk in the park to make the break through to that core VIP alpha target that will garantee product success in the mainstrean arena. Notoriously unforgiving, transient, and ever demanding it would seem more and more difficult to locate and seduce these high flying cosmopolitan nomads. For "" the hype may be long over on the outside world but for the lucky few (including myself) on the inside the party never stops. ..According to Georgia, my new( and only) small world FRIEND and official PR rep there are 250,000 international jet setters with an average revenue supererior to 150,000, who are all connected to this closed exclusive network all around the globe. Models, Designers, Finance Executives. Media moguls..they are all talking, sharing good tips, finding flats together, recruiting, writing...
Luxury brands wake up!!! Is this not a great way to target your precious influencers.
From simple banners, sponsored events, and somhisticated contextual editorials, this network seems to have all the esssential marketing tools to make sure you become the star of the show.
While roaming around my personal space I happened to fall upon a rather elegant moet chapagne banner( ...the site is worth a visit..7/10 for luxury experience factor( despite lack of real interactive content).

Et voilà qu'au détour d'un chemin je tombe sur les deux égéries!
Longue vie à ce blog, un de plus dans les flux RSS...
Rédigé par : Tom Fournier | 10 juillet 2007 à 21:35
Merci Tom! :-)
Rédigé par : Visna | 11 juillet 2007 à 12:50